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How to Combat Information Overload in the Digital Age

Written by Leon Ho
Founder & CEO of Lifehack
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In this digital age, we’ve hit the jackpot with technology. It’s a wonder, really. We’re living in a time when information isn’t just available; it’s cascading around us, rapid and relentless.

It’s the 21st century, and the knowledge of the world is literally at our fingertips. This explosion of information is a marvel, a testament to human curiosity and our unquenchable thirst for progress.

But here’s the twist: this deluge of data comes with its own set of troubles, notably information overload. It’s like drinking from a fire hose — overwhelming and messy. We’re bombarded with so much information that sifting through it to find what matters can be a Herculean task.

The Pew Research Center has put some numbers to this feeling.[1] They tell us that, sure, we’re slowly getting our sea legs in this ocean of information, but the waters are still choppy for many. Back in 2016, 20% of people surveyed felt swamped by the amount of information they had to process. That’s a drop from 27% a decade earlier, but it’s still a significant chunk of the population. And here’s a kicker: this sensation of being overwhelmed is more common among those plugged into the internet.

So, what’s the game plan? How do we dance in the rain of information without getting drenched?

It’s not about avoiding the rain; it’s about learning how to use an umbrella.

It’s time to talk about strategies to balance our intake of information in a way that empowers rather than exhausts.

What Is Information Overload Actually?

Information overload, also known as “infobesity” or “information anxiety,” happens when we’re swamped with more information than we can sort out, understand, and remember.

Our brains have a limited amount of energy, no matter how complex the tasks we’re doing.[2] This means we can only process so much information, and when we go over that limit, we feel overwhelmed. This overload can cause stress, confusion, and even anxiety.


Signs of Information Overload

Here are some common signs of information overload:

  • Struggling to focus on tasks, getting interrupted often, and not getting much done.
  • Trouble understanding information, which leads to mistakes and wrong ideas.
  • Finding it hard to decide what’s important, leading to putting things off and indecision.
  • Can’t tell good information from bad because there’s just too much to go through.
  • Feeling swamped by the constant flow of information and not being able to handle it.
  • Trouble seeing the big picture or making sense of things because the information is too scattered.
  • Mental and emotional stress because of too much information.

Examples of Information Overload

We run into information overload when there’s too much info for us to process and remember. This can affect us in different ways.

For instance, you might find yourself always checking social media, news updates, and messages. Or you’re constantly hit with news, updates, and opinions from all sides. This can make you mentally tired and make it hard to focus on what really matters.

I’ve personally felt the challenges and stress of information overload.

In my work, I often research various topics related to publishing. Trying to find reliable sources and relevant information in the sea of data online can be overwhelming.

Also, my email inbox is always full of newsletters, promotional content, and work stuff. Figuring out which emails need immediate attention and which can wait can be really tough. Sometimes, it feels like too much, and it just adds to my stress.


I’ve learned firsthand how stressful and challenging information overload can be. It’s taught me the importance of managing how much information I take in and finding ways to deal with this constant challenge in our digital world.

What Causes Information Overload?

The main reasons behind information overload today can be traced back to major advancements in how information is created and shared. Remember Gutenberg’s printing press from 1430? That was a big deal for spreading information.

Fast forward to today, digitization and advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT), especially the internet, have made creating and sharing new knowledge much easier, cheaper, and more accessible. In fact, more information has been produced in the last 10-15 years than in all of human history.

Daniel Levitin, a psychology professor at McGill University and author of The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload, talks about how much information we deal with every day. He says,

“In 1976, there were 9,000 products in the average grocery store, and now it’s ballooned to 40,000 products. And yet most of us can get almost all our shopping done in just 150 items, so you’re having to ignore tens of thousands of times every time you go shopping.”

The main causes of information overload now include:

  • A huge amount of available information: The World Economic Forum says that by 2025, the world could be making 463 billion gigabytes of data every day.[3]
  • Lots of ways to get information: We get information from computers, phones, radio, TV, and newspapers, making it hard to sift through and decide what’s important.
  • Hard to find reliable information: With so much out there, it’s tough to know what’s true and what’s not. Constantly trying to figure this out can be overwhelming.

Information overload comes from fast technological progress and an overload of information. Because of this, we’re always bombarded with more information than we can properly understand and manage.


The Cost of Information Overload

Information overload affects many aspects of our lives in significant ways. Let’s look at some of the key impacts:

Overloading the Brain

When our brains get hit with too much information, they can struggle to process and store new stuff.

The brain has a hard time ignoring unimportant information, which leads to mental exhaustion and even burnout. This means we struggle more with focusing, remembering things, and learning.[4]

Mental and Physical Health Issues

The non-stop stream of information can increase stress, or “information anxiety.” This mental pressure can lead to sleep problems, moodiness, and even depression.[5]

Also, spending a lot of time on screens and digital devices can cause physical issues like eye strain, headaches, and neck or back pain. Combining these mental and physical health problems makes information overload’s impact on our well-being even worse.[6]

Poor Decision Making

Information overload can mess with our ability to think clearly and make good decisions.

With so much data around, it’s hard to figure out what matters, leading to either getting stuck in decision-making or making hasty choices.[7]


Loss of Focus and Productivity

Our ability to stay focused is weakened as our brains deal with too much information.[8] The never-ending flood of info can also make it hard to concentrate on one thing at a time, leading us to constantly multitask.

As we face more distractions, finishing tasks efficiently becomes harder. This drop in productivity can affect many areas, from work to personal life.

How to Save Yourself From Information Overload

To deal with information overload, you need to be smart about how you handle information. This means being aware, selective, and proactive. Doing so can reduce the impact of information overload, increase productivity, and help you form a healthier relationship with the world of information.

Here are some practical steps to shield yourself from information overload:

1. Consume Information with a Goal

It’s essential to be purposeful about the type and purpose of information you engage with. This helps prevent overload and ensures the information you take in is relevant and useful.

Set clear goals for what you want to learn or achieve. Focus on material that supports these goals. I recommend reading The Only Way to Remember Everything You Have Read to retain only the knowledge relevant to you.


Nate Silver in The Signal and the Noise emphasizes the importance of being selective:

“The instinctual shortcut that we take when we have “too much information” is to engage with it selectively, picking out the parts we like and ignoring the remainder.”

2. Regular Brain Dump

A brain dump involves jotting down all your thoughts, ideas, and tasks. This can clarify your thoughts, help prioritize tasks, and let you delegate or delay less urgent matters.

By regularly organizing the information you’ve gathered, you can maintain a healthy balance between information intake and output.

Check out 4 Simple Steps to Brain Dump for a Smarter Brain for guidance.

3. Use a Digital Brain

A digital brain, like note-taking apps (Evernote, Notion), project management tools (Basecamp, Asana), and cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox), helps manage information effectively. These tools can streamline your information management process and reduce stress from overload.

For setting up your digital brain, read How to Build a Digital Brain (Your Second Brain).

4. Force Yourself to Focus

Focusing on one task or piece of information at a time allows for better absorption and processing.[9] It also reduces stress and anxiety from multitasking.

Turn off notifications during focused work periods and set specific times to check them. Use browser extensions and apps to limit distractions. For comprehensive tips, read How to Focus And Boost Attention Span.

5. Take Regular Breaks from Information

Disconnecting from information and screens helps lower stress and gain perspective. Use breaks to engage in activities like nature walks, mindfulness, or hobbies. Integrating these breaks into your routine promotes a healthier relationship with information.

For break ideas, see Powerful Daily Routine Examples for a Healthier Life.

Final Thoughts

In this fast-paced 21st century, technology has grown leaps and bounds, bringing a flood of information with it. These advancements have changed our lives for the better in many ways, but they’ve also brought along the challenge of information overload.

As we navigate this information-rich era, it’s crucial to find a balance. We need to stay informed without compromising our mental well-being.


By setting specific goals for our information intake, making use of digital tools, doing regular brain dumps, keeping our focus sharp, and taking breaks, we can manage the information we receive and move through the digital world more smoothly.

It’s about making information work for us, not getting lost in it. By taking these steps, we can enjoy the benefits of this information age while protecting our peace of mind.


Don't have time for the full article? Read this.

How to Combat Information Overload in the Digital Age

While technological advancements have numerous benefits, they also lead to information overload, affecting our ability to process and manage information.

Maintaining a balance between staying informed and safeguarding mental health is crucial in the information age.

To manage information overload, Set Clear Information Goals: Be purposeful about the type and purpose of information you consume.

Utilize Digital Tools: Use digital brains like note-taking apps, project management tools, and cloud storage for efficient information management.

Regular Brain Dumps: Write down thoughts and tasks regularly to clarify and prioritize.

Stay Focused: Concentrate on one task at a time and use tools to minimize distractions.

Take Breaks: Regularly disconnect from information streams to reduce stress and gain perspective.

The objective is to control our information intake and navigate the digital world effectively, ensuring that information serves us rather than overwhelms us.


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