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Goal Getting

Why You Need to Set Short-Term Goals (With Examples)

Written by Leon Ho
Founder & CEO of Lifehack
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Setting goals is essential for achieving success in both personal and professional aspects of life. While long-term goals serve as the foundation for our overarching ambitions, short-term goals provide incremental steps toward achieving your bigger goals.

Consider learning a new language as a long-term goal; how do you feel about achieving it? It may be daunting since you are unsure where to begin.

As Tony Robbins says,

People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals—that is, goals that do not inspire them.

When goals appear to be too difficult to achieve, they become uninspiring and demotivating.

However, if you break the goal down into short-term goals such as learning 10 new words and their meanings every day for the next month, practicing pronunciation of words and phrases for 10 minutes every day using language learning apps, and setting aside 30 minutes every day to listen to a podcast in the target language, you will know exactly what you need to do almost immediately to reach the big goal.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of setting short-term goal and present some practical examples to help you on your goal-making journey.

What Are Short-Term Goals?

Short-term goals are targets that you set for yourself to achieve in a relatively short period of time, often ranging from a few days to a few months. These goals are intended to help you focus on the present while also giving you a clear roadmap to reaching your long-term goals.

Short-term goals help you to monitor your progress, stay motivated, and alter your strategy as needed to guarantee you stay on track towards your ultimate goal by breaking down complex, long-term objectives into smaller, more achievable steps.


Short-term goals could include finishing a specific job at work, exercising for 30 minutes every day, or reading a book once a week.

At LifeHack, we also set short-term goals to achieve our long-term objective, which is to ensure that we consistently reach and surpass our course subscription targets.

We set a monthly goal for our marketing team to launch a new promotional campaign highlighting our courses and their benefits. On the other hand, our content team has a weekly goal of producing a particular amount of high-quality and useful content to provide our readers with practical ideas and attract future subscribers to our courses. Here is a glimpse of our goals:

lifehack content team goal

    To support these short-term goals, we have weekly team meetings to discuss progress, share updates, and address any difficulties or bottlenecks that may occur. We can maintain a steady pace toward our course subscription goal by closely analyzing our performance and adjusting our strategy as needed.

    Short-Term Goals vs Long-Term Goals

    While a single short-term goal may not allow you to accomplish something monumental, a series of well-structured short-term goals can significantly contribute to the achievement of a long-term goal.

    A survey[1] of 252 decision-makers from 129 early-stage Israeli high-tech businesses revealed that performance relative to aspiration levels affects both short-term and long-term strategic choices. According to the findings, long-term goals have the greatest impact on an organization’s absorptive capacity, with long-term effects. Short-term goals, on the other hand, have a greater impact on realized absorptive capacity, resulting in more rapid impacts. These findings highlight the significance of businesses considering both long-term and short-term goals when making strategic decisions.


    Long-term goals serve as your north star, directing your overall direction and desire, whilst short-term goals divide the job down into doable chunks, making it feel less challenging. Setting and attaining short-term goals creates momentum that propels you forward on the way to reaching your larger, long-term goals.

    The combination of goals at different hierarchical levels provides a balanced strategy for successful goal pursuit, highlighting the benefits of both types of goals while limiting their drawbacks.

    In fact, a study published in Frontiers in Psychology[2] found that when people focus on both superordinate (long-term) goal and subordinate (short-term)) goals, they are more likely to achieve their long-term success.

    The Importance of Setting Short-Term Goals

    Because short-term goals essentially help us to focus on the tasks we need to complete at the present time, they help us to make steady progress, ultimately contributing to our overall success.

    Let’s delve deeper into the benefits of setting short-term goals:

    Consistent Motivation

    Since short-term goals are more manageable and provide immediate targets, we can experience the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing them easily. This sense of accomplishment fuels our motivation by demonstrating that we are making progress toward our long-term goals.

    We are more likely to stay committed and engaged in the pursuit of our long-term goals if we maintain motivation through regular achievement of our short-term goals. This continual drive allows us to overcome obstacles, stay focused, and put in the necessary work to reach our greater goals.


    Maintaining Focus

    Short-term goals help us stay focused by clearly detailing the tasks or activities we need to do in a shorter period of time. These smaller, more immediate goals direct our efforts and help us focus on what is most crucial right now.

    Setting short-term goals creates a structure that allows us to prioritize our time and energy. This allows us to more efficiently manage our resources, ensuring that we devote our efforts to activities that are consistent with our long-term goals and will get us closer to accomplishing them.

    Furthermore, having a clear focus through short-term goals helps us avoid distractions that can divert our attention away from our main objectives. When we know exactly what we need to do, we can more readily disregard irrelevant tasks or activities that do not add to our goals.

    Progress Tracking

    Setting incremental short-term goals gives a structure that allows us to regularly analyze and evaluate our progress.

    This continuous progress tracking ensures that we are on the right track and making consistent progress toward our long-term goals. It enables us to spot possible challenges or barriers early on, allowing us to make the necessary adjustments to overcome them and keep moving forward.

    How to Set And Reach Your Short-Term Goals

    In essence, short-term goals serve as checkpoints that allow us to track our progress and fine-tune our strategy as needed. Here’s a step-by-step method to breaking down your long-term goal into short-term goals so you can achieve your objectives successfully:

    1. Define Your Long-Term Goal

    Prior to identifying short-term goals, it is important to have a clear long-term goal in mind. This will give you a direction to aim toward and will influence your short-term goal-setting approach.

    I’ve written another article on this topic, check out How to Set Long Term Goals to Achieve Big Things.

    2. Break Down the Goal

    Once you’ve defined your long-term goal, divide it into smaller, more manageable short-term goals (milestones). Each short-term goal should represent a specific accomplishment that moves you closer to your long-term goal.

    Make these short-term goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound): Ensure that each short-term goal is SMART, meaning it should be:

    • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve.
    • Measurable: Include a quantifiable outcome or metric to track your progress.
    • Attainable: Ensure the goal is achievable, within your current resources and constraints.
    • Realistic: Challenging but possible to achieve, considering your abilities and external factors.
    • Time-bound: Assign a deadline or time frame to complete the goal.

    Consider further breaking these short-term goals down into actions or activities that you can carry out on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to make them more actionable.

    3. Take Action and Keep Track of Your Progress

    Once you’ve established your short-term goals, start to work toward them by completing the tasks or activities assigned to each milestone.

    Track your progress on a regular basis to ensure you’re on the right path. To keep track of your progress, use a goal planner or one of these goal tracking apps.


    4. Celebrate Small Wins

    Acknowledging and celebrating your accomplishments is necessary for keeping motivation and momentum.

    Take the time to acknowledge your hard work and success whenever you reach a milestone or complete a short-term goal. This could be as simple as rewarding yourself with a small treat or sharing your accomplishment with friends and family.

    When you regularly celebrate your small victories, you’ll stay motivated and inspired to keep working toward your long-term goal.

    5. Be Flexible Along the Way

    When working toward a goal, it’s inevitable to run into roadblocks or challenges that impede your progress. In such cases, it’s critical to rethink your strategy and make the required changes to overcome these roadblocks and keep going forward.

    For example, if your goal is to exercise for 30 minutes after work every day to improve your fitness, but you now have less time in the evenings to fit your exercise routine due to a change in your work schedule, you may need to adjust your approach by waking up earlier, breaking up your workout into smaller sessions throughout the day, or even exploring alternative exercise options such as opting for home-based exercises.

    You will be better equipped to face problems and maintain momentum toward your goals if you are adaptable and flexible.

    By following these steps, you can develop and achieve short-term goals that contribute significantly to your long-term goals, ultimately positioning yourself for success in both your personal and professional lives.

    If you’re looking for some ideas, here are some short-term goal examples to get you started.

    20 Examples of Short-Term Goals (and the Long-Term Goals They Align With)

    Here are 20 examples of short-term goals, along with the long-term goals that they align with:

    10 Short-Term Career Goals

    Let’s say your long-term goal is to be a successful marketing manager, you can break it down into these short-term goals:

    1. Complete a marketing certification course within the next three months.
    2. Attend at least two marketing conferences or workshops within the following year.
    3. Develop and implement an effective marketing campaign for a small firm within the next six months.
    4. Network with at least 5 industry professionals each month to broaden your professional network.
    5. Read one marketing book per month to stay current on industry developments and best practices.
    6. Volunteer for leadership roles in team projects at work to gain management experience.
    7. Request regular feedback from your manager and put their suggestions for improvement into action.
    8. Join a local Toastmasters group and attend meetings on a regular basis to improve your public speaking skills.
    9. Maintain a professional online presence by updating your LinkedIn profile and publishing industry-related articles on a regular basis.
    10. Pursue a mentorship with an experienced marketing manager to learn from their experiences and insights.

    10 Short-Term Personal Goals

    Another example is setting a long-term goal of getting in shape. The short-term goals could be these:

    1. Complete a 30-minute cardio workout three times a week.
    2. Increase daily vegetable intake to at least two servings per meal.
    3. Reduce alcohol intake to one drink per week.
    4. Incorporate bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and lunges into workouts twice a week.
    5. Join a local sports team or fitness group and attend once a week.
    6. Set a target of walking at least 10,000 steps a day.
    7. Incorporate interval training into exercise routine once a week.
    8. Reduce daily calorie intake by 500 calories through healthier food choices and portion control.
    9. Schedule one personal training session per week to learn new exercises and stay accountable.
    10. Sign up for a 5k race and train towards running or jogging the entire distance.

    Final Thoughts

    Setting both short-term and long-term goals is essential for achieving success in many areas of life. You can develop a roadmap that keeps you focused, motivated, and on track to attaining your aspirations by creating specific objectives and breaking them down into manageable steps.

    Remember to make your short-term goals SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) to ensure their efficacy in contributing to your long-term goals. You can stay motivated and keep up the momentum by constantly tracking your progress and acknowledging your victories along the road.


    Combining short-term and long-term goals enables you to approach difficult objectives with an organized strategy, ultimately positioning you for success, whether it’s something you want to achieve at work or in life.


    Don't have time for the full article? Read this.

    Why You Need to Set Short-Term Goals (With Examples)

    Short-term goals are targets that you set for yourself to achieve in a relatively short period of time, often ranging from a few days to a few months. These goals are intended to help you focus on the present while also giving you a clear roadmap to reaching your long-term goals.

    Short-term goals help you to monitor your progress, stay motivated, and alter your strategy as needed to guarantee you stay on track towards your ultimate goal by breaking down complex, long-term objectives into smaller, more achievable steps.

    While a single short-term goal may not allow you to accomplish something monumental, a series of well-structured short-term goals can significantly contribute to the achievement of a long-term goal.

    Long-term goals serve as your north star, directing your overall direction and desire, whilst short-term goals divide the job down into doable chunks, making it feel less challenging.

    We are more likely to stay committed and engaged in the pursuit of our long-term goals if we maintain motivation through regular achievement of our short-term goals.

    Setting short-term goals creates a structure that allows us to prioritize our time and energy. This allows us to more efficiently manage our resources, ensuring that we devote our efforts to activities that are consistent with our long-term goals and will get us closer to accomplishing them.

    Having a clear focus through short-term goals helps us avoid distractions that can divert our attention away from our main objectives. When we know exactly what we need to do, we can more readily disregard irrelevant tasks or activities that do not add to our goals.

    Prior to identifying short-term goals, you need to first define a long-term goal. Read How to Set Long Term Goals to Achieve Big Things.– Then, break down the long-term goal into manageable short-term goals (milestones) and actionable tasks.

    Next, start working on these goals and track your progress. You can track your progress with a goal planner or a goal tracking app.

    Celebrate small wins as you achieve a short-term goal or milestone. This can help you stay motivated.

    Lastly, try to be flexible along the way and adjust your approach when circumstances change.

    Featured photo credit: JESHOOTS.COM via unsplash.com


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