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3 Steps to Create a Daily Schedule For Better Time Control

Written by Leon Ho
Founder & CEO of Lifehack
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Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time in the day? Well, you’re not alone. Many of us, especially those juggling work and family responsibilities, can relate to this constant struggle for time.

But here’s a simple way to look at it: think of your day as 24 blocks of time, each lasting an hour. These blocks can help you manage your day better. You can allocate specific times for work, family, and other important tasks that matter to you.

When you plan and schedule your day, you ensure that you make time for the things that truly matter. Plus, having a clear understanding of how you spend your time can help you avoid that feeling of running out of it.

Today, we’ll explore why a daily schedule is crucial for effective time management and learn how to create one that works best for you.

What Is a Daily Schedule?

Humans naturally thrive on routines. We like knowing what to expect each day, and it helps us function at our best. Think of a daily schedule as your way of taking charge of your day. It provides the framework and order you need to make the most of your time.

Having a plan to follow means you’re more likely to accomplish your daily tasks and make progress toward your goals. Here are some perks of having a daily schedule:

  • You get a clear framework for your day, reducing chaos.
  • It helps you build good habits because you repeat them daily.
  • Procrastination gets kicked to the curb because you know what’s next.
  • Your focus improves when you have a set plan to follow.
  • You become more productive, achieving more in less time.
  • Stress levels drop because you’re not constantly rushing.

So, a daily schedule isn’t just about managing time; it’s about improving your daily life in many ways.

Before Planning Your Daily Schedule

While some folks may find physical schedule planners appealing due to their colorful and aesthetically pleasing designs, the truth is, they fall short when it comes to truly organizing your life. They come with their fair share of classic problems like being disorganized, having limited space for writing, lacking context, and being inconvenient to carry around, especially when they add some weight to your bag.

So, what’s the better alternative? Consider using an online daily schedule. Unlike its paper counterpart, an online scheduling app offers several advantages:

  • Breaking Down Big Goals: It helps you dissect large goals or tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
  • Task Prioritization: You can easily prioritize tasks and events, ensuring you focus on what’s most important.
  • Alignment with Goals: These apps allow you to align your tasks with your overarching goals, helping you stay on track with what truly matters.
  • Accessibility: Your online schedule is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, making it highly convenient.

If you’re in search of an online scheduling tool, consider giving the Time Flow System app a try. This system takes a pragmatic approach to time management, helping you keep your eye on the big picture while adapting to changing schedules. Plus, it even has AI assistance to guide you along the way.

Essential Rules to Keep in Mind

No matter which planning tools you prefer, there are some fundamental rules to follow:

1. Schedule by Goals, Not by Tasks

Many of us are familiar with the daily grind of tackling an endless to-do list. It’s a list filled with tasks that seem never-ending, and our usual approach is to jump in and work through it as best as we can.

However, this can make it hard to prioritize and understand what truly matters, leading to stress, inefficiency, and feeling overwhelmed.


Instead, consider scheduling bigger objectives, like projects, as a whole, rather than individual tasks.

For example, instead of setting aside 30 minutes each day to “check emails,” schedule a daily block for “Streamline Communications.” This block can include various email-related actions aimed at not just processing emails but also improving communication methods to save time.

With this approach, you’re still investing the same amount of time, but you’re making meaningful progress, which ultimately helps you save time in the long run.

The beauty of this method is that nothing is done on the fly; you’ve already thought through the actions and know the desired outcomes.

Your to-do list becomes purposeful and aligned with a common goal, providing clarity and intention.

2. Optimize Your Time Gaps

While our meticulously planned calendars may appear highly productive on paper, they often leave no room for flexibility when unexpected tasks or priorities arise.

This rigid approach can result in a constant feeling of being rushed, distracted, and struggling to focus when time is tight.


In reality, we rarely have as much time as we anticipate. “Time Gaps” are those chunks of time lost between the cracks, consuming a significant portion of our day (often between 20% to 50%). These gaps occur because things rarely go exactly as planned.

Instead of trying to do everything in one go, focus on making small but concrete progress, covering achievable wins before attempting larger tasks.

3. Align Your Life & Choose Your Battles

Priority paralysis sets in when your routines and schedule reach a point where everything seems equally important or urgent, pulling you in a hundred different directions. Your time feels like it’s slipping away, but you’re not making real progress.

Priority paralysis occurs when your actions become just that—actions. They lack alignment with any concrete goal or direction, keeping you stuck in a cycle.

It’s easy to lose sight of your big-picture goals when the demands of reality clash with your intentions.

Without a flexible system, you lose track of your progress and the direction you should be heading. This can occur when a continuous stream of “urgent matters” diverts your focus away from what truly matters, making it all seem like a blur.


To combat this, alignment should be your guiding principle. Everything should connect to a bigger purpose.

You can’t pursue everything simultaneously because your time, energy, and focus are limited. So, choose your battles wisely and be willing to let go of certain goals for the time being.

3 Steps to Create a Daily Schedule

Here, we will reveal how to create a daily schedule with the Time Flow System.

In the Time Flow System, your daily tasks are closely linked to your bigger projects and objectives, providing you with a clear sense of direction and helping you track your progress.

Furthermore, you continually compile a flexible list of ready-to-go tasks that can adapt to different situations and time constraints. Whether you have an hour or just 20 minutes, you’ll have suitable tasks at your disposal.

3 Steps to Create a Daily Schedule For Better Time Control

    Now, let’s break down the 3 steps on how to create your daily schedule:

    Step 1. Give Yourself a Solid North Star Target

    Think of your North Star as the major life goals or destinations you truly want to reach. They serve as your inspiration and long-term aspirations.

    Your North Stars act as a compass, providing you with direction and alignment to navigate your daily plans, track your progress, and guide your actions.


    For example, ask yourself what you aim to achieve in your day. Is it achieving a better work-life balance or adopting a healthier lifestyle with exercise and diet improvements?

    Instead of following a rigid morning routine that tries to cover a multitude of tasks at once, the key is to focus.

    Every morning, your actions should be aimed at making progress towards a specific goal.

    Here’s an example of how the Time Flow System simplifies this:

    North Star: “Enhance my day for better health, energy, and fitness.”

    By having a clear North Star, you set a purpose for your daily actions, ensuring they contribute meaningfully to your overarching goals.

    Step 2: Create Initiatives Focused on Tangible Progress

    Acting as your engines of progress, Initiatives target specific milestones and lay out plans and actions to reach measurable objectives.

    They offer structure and actionable strategies, always guided by the question: “How does this contribute to my North Star?”

    It’s crucial to align all your actions with your North Star and filter out those that don’t significantly advance your goals.

    Each action is evaluated for its importance, expected progress, and relevance.

    In the Time Flow System app, our AI Co-pilot can promptly recommend some initiatives based on your North Star. Here are a few examples we’ve created:

    • Prioritizing Nutritious Breakfasts: Collecting quick and healthy breakfast ideas that can be prepared in 20 minutes. This growing list provides variety and vitality to your mornings.
    • Creating a Positive Mindset Ritual: Offering ideas for mindful sessions, breathing exercises, and light activities to clear morning brain fog and promote a refreshed mind.
    • Optimize Sleep Schedule: Exploring ways to enhance your sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling well-rested and revitalized. Sometimes, an extra 15 minutes of sleep makes all the difference.

    3 Steps to Create a Daily Schedule For Better Time Control
      3 Steps to Create a Daily Schedule For Better Time Control

        Each initiative represents a unique approach to achieving our North Star of maximizing mornings for health, energy, and fitness.

        Guided by this overarching goal, we ensure that every idea and action aligns with our mission and is genuinely worthwhile.

        Step 3: Allocate Actions into Time Blocks

        We refer to these as Focus Blocks, offering dedicated and concentrated work periods.

        Focus Blocks consist of two simple elements:

        • Which action(s) to perform
        • How much time to allocate for each action

        Importantly, Focus Blocks are never haphazard. Before an action is placed into a Focus Block, it goes through planning, prioritization, and evaluation—the steps we discussed earlier.

        Each Focus Block is designed to have a meaningful impact. It’s not about doing more; it’s about doing less with a clear purpose.

        These Focus Blocks are flexible and adapt to your available time and constraints, optimizing and even reclaiming your time gaps.


        With the Time Flow System app, you can gather “Action Recipes” that you can easily integrate into your morning sessions. These recipes are ideas you collect, refine, and convert into action blueprints that are ready to go.

        Each Action Recipe is precise:

        • It outlines a clear set of actions, steps, or tasks.
        • It specifies the amount of time required.
        • It helps you make tangible progress toward your milestones.

        3 Steps to Create a Daily Schedule For Better Time Control

          And there you have it, the 3 steps to create an effective daily schedule.

          Final Thoughts

          It’s important to remember that even the most accomplished individuals can find themselves veering off course.

          To safeguard against distractions and keep your priorities in check, crafting a well-thought-out daily schedule is key.

          Consider your schedule as an investment in your future. Just like saving up for something big, it may take time to see your desired life take shape. But bit by bit, as you stick to your schedule and focus on what truly matters, you’ll steadily watch your goals come to life.

          So, take the time to plan your days wisely, and check out the Time Flow System app, you’ll be on the path to realizing your aspirations.

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