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Restore Energy

8 Natural Energy Drinks to Give You a Boost Without Caffeine

Written by Ali Lawrence
Reviewed by Zola Johnson
Zola Johnson is a Registered Nutritionist and Cosmetologist.

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Between work, meetings, cleaning, working out, and trying to have a life on top of all that, it’s no wonder you’re feeling a little worn out. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was some way you could get the energy you need to power through your day without those nasty caffeine-induced side effects? Fortunately, natural energy drinks can help.

It turns out there are many healthy energy drinks that can boost your energy levels without caffeine—a stimulant that has been linked to insomnia, migraine headaches, and even cardiac arrest. Below are some options to consider when you want to get your energy levels up the safe and healthy way, without reaching for a cup of coffee or a Red Bull.

Natural Energy Drinks Without Caffeine

1. B Vitamins

While B vitamins won’t give you a kick like caffeine, they are essential for your body to produce energy. Vitamin B-12, along with others in the B-vitamin complex, helps the metabolic functions in the body. Adults should be getting around 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B-12 daily, and many natural energy drinks provide more than enough to keep your body running smoothly.

Some great sources of B Vitamins include meat (especially liver), seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes, leafy greens, seeds, and fortified foods, such as breakfast cereal and nutritional yeast[1].

Perhaps, next time you make a fruit smoothie, consider throwing in some spinach or kale to give it a little boost of Vitamin B.

2. Kvass

A popular drink in Russia and Eastern Europe, this fermented drink is a healthy way to get your energy levels up without using caffeine. Kvass is created through the natural fermentation of wheat, rye, or barley and has a similar taste to beer[2].


Besides giving you energy, the probiotics in kvass have been found to enhance your immune system, aid your digestive tract, and even protect you against cancer. The best kind of kvass to boost your energy level will be mixed with fruits and veggies. Kvass is available in many natural food stores nationwide, and can even be made in your own home.

3. Coconut Water

Known as nature’s sports drink, coconut water is a great way to boost your energy through the coconut’s high levels of minerals and its good dose of potassium. The best coconut water comes from young, Thai coconuts. Be careful with store-bought coconut water as it will often have added sugars.

Drink the water by itself, or blend it with bananas and strawberries for a tasty smoothie.

4. Kombucha

This fermented, probiotic tea is a tasty way to detoxify, heal, and boost your body’s energy levels, making it one of the best natural energy drinks. Kombucha is a mixture of brewed tea and SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) producing organic enzymes, amino acids, and vitamins[3].

The drink is available in many health food stores, or it can be purchased online. You can also buy your own kombucha brewing kit to create various flavored drinks and even beauty products.

5. Acai Berry

Besides the acai berry’s amazing nutritional properties, acai juice is a great way to boost your energy levels. Acai contains a host of B vitamins, potassium, protein, and fatty acids. The acai berry boosts your metabolism, which gives you more energy and can help you lose weight, making it a great natural energy drink.

When searching for a good, energy-boosting acai drink, make sure to check the nutrition label and look for those with acai high on the list of ingredients and with a low amount of sugar.


6. Eleuthero and Ginseng

Ginseng is a herb that aids your body in adapting to stress and helps boost energy and stamina. There are different kinds of ginseng, and the Siberian ginseng, also known as eleuthero, is the most conducive to increase your energy levels[4]. Adults should take around 200-400 milligrams of ginseng daily, and the herb can be found in many healthy energy drinks.

7. The Green Monster Juice Drink

In addition to helping with weight loss, juicing is also an effective way to meet your fruit and vegetable quota while boosting your energy naturally. Below is a recipe that is sure to give your body a healthy energy boost with this natural energy drink.


  • 2 cups of spinach (about 3 handfuls)
  • 2 cups of kale (about 6-8 leaves)
  • 1 Granny Smith apple
  • ½ of a cucumber
  • ½ of a lemon
  • 4 stalks of celery


  1. Rinse fruits and vegetables well.
  2. Peel the lemon, if you want.
  3. Put into your juicer and juice.
  4. Pour over ice, and drink up!

8. Berry, Beet, and Wheatgrass Smoothie

This is a homemade treat and one of the best natural energy drinks, with vitamins A, B, C, and potassium! Beets are one of many foods that have the ability to help your body use oxygen more efficiently.

Blend together one small beetroot, 1/4 cup strawberries, half an avocado, a handful of spinach, one banana and one cup of almond milk. Add a tablespoon of fresh or powdered wheatgrass to add the additional benefits of antioxidants, minerals, and even more vitamins.


Final Thoughts

Life demands a lot from you, and you owe it to yourself to be able to bring your A-game, no matter what the day might throw your way. For increased energy and stamina to tackle your to-do list and do the things you love, try the natural energy drinks listed above.

More energy, great health benefits, and no nasty caffeine-induced side effects? We’ll drink to that!


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